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              Audubon has staff monitoring colonies from the Panhandle to Marco Island



              For more than a century Audubon has encouraged people to take care of the places that make Florida special. Using science to guide our priorities and birdlife to measure ecosystem health, Audubon advocates for the protection of land, water, and wildlife. Audubon is Florida’s most influential conservation organization and conducts extensive work to protect the Everglades and coastal bird habitats. We manage sanctuaries covering thousands of acres along with two popular nature centers. Audubon promotes stewardship and appreciation of public land and water so people experience and cherish Florida’s natural beauty and wildlife.


              A Shocking Owl Story
              Chapters & Centers

              A Shocking Owl Story

              The Audubon Center for Birds of Prey rehabilitates an owl nearly struck by lightning.


              Audubon Celebrates House Approval of the 2024 Water Resources Development Act

              The bill removes roadblocks to initiate construction of the critical EAA Southern Storage Reservoir Project.

              Coastal Conservation

              Black Skimmer Banding Study Yields Surprising Results

              Colonies across Southwest Florida exchange breeding birds, underscoring the importance of regional nesting areas.

              Charlotte County Takes Step Towards More Resilient Future

              Charlotte County Takes Step Towards More Resilient Future

              Charlotte County commissioners officially joined the Southwest Florida Regional Resiliency Compact.

              Sirata Beach Resort Becomes Important Black Skimmer Partner
              Coastal Conservation

              Sirata Beach Resort Becomes Important Black Skimmer Partner

              Sirata staff have joined the Audubon coastal team to protect the St. Pete Beach colony.


              Poor Wood Stork Nesting in South Florida

              Their departure from historic nesting locations in Southwest Florida and across the Everglades is a strong indicator that the quality of our ecosystem has declined and these other places have become more favorable.

              Beach-Nesting Colonies Make it through Independence Day Weekend with Help from Coastal Staff and Volunteers
              Coastal Conservation

              Beach Nesting Colonies Make it Through Independence Day Weekend with Help from Coastal Staff and Volunteers

              工信部回应“整顿翻墙软件”:合法经营不受影响 ...- 新京报网:2021-7-25 · 新京报网众文字、图片、视频等全媒体形式,为用户提供全天候热点新闻,涵盖突发新闻、时事、财经、娱乐、体育,众及评论、杂志和博客等,新 ...

              Governor DeSantis Signs Water, Resiliency, and Budget Legislation, Rejects Bad Development Bill

              Governor DeSantis Signs Water, Resiliency, and Budget Legislation, Rejects Bad Development Bill

              Florida head's into next year with a strong environmental budget.

              Share the Shore this Fourth of July Weekend
              Coastal Conservation

              Share the Shore this Fourth of July Weekend

              Protect nesting sea and shorebirds.

              Audubon Staff Works with FWC and Florida State Park Teams to Remove Debris from Critical Nesting Grounds
              Coastal Conservation

              Audubon Staff Works with FWC and Florida State Park Team to Remove Debris from Critical Nesting Grounds

              The organizations worked together with volunteers to remove the pieces from a beached shrimp boat.

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